About Us

We are a group of friends who have been close since the late '90s. Over the years, we’ve enjoyed roleplaying a variety of games. Back in the '90s, we mainly played “Vampire: The Masquerade,” with the occasional game of “Dungeons & Dragons” and “Rifts.” As we’ve grown older, our interests have shifted towards superhero games like “Aberrant” and, of course, “Dungeons & Dragons.”

Nowadays, we have two groups: a Sunday group and a Tuesday group. My wife DMs the Tuesday sessions, while I run the Sunday games.

We also love playing video games together. You can often find us enjoying our favorites, such as “Minecraft,” “Valheim,” “World of Warcraft,” “Guild Wars 2,” and many more.

Current Games

Behind The Dice

Podcast coming soon from both games and interviews with the characters, this will be a deep dive into each character.