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Expedition Ten: Singularity

June 7, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Well here are again yest another patch from the guys at hellogames for this amazing game No Man Sky, this has been on hell of a story for this game and it just seems to be getting better and better. So not only is this patch yest another milestone No Ma\n Sky has also been added to yet another platform Machere is hoping that we get a linux Version at some point. Here is what they had to say about the new patch.

Hello Everyone!

Only last week, we launched No Man’s Sky on a whole new platform, bringing the galaxy to Mac owners everywhere! 2023 has already been an extremely busy year for our small team.

Fractal brought full native support for PSVR2, alongside a spread of accessibility and quality of life features, while the accompanying Utopia expedition experimented with a unique twist on gameplay, and united players under the umbrella of a universal habitation project.

Most recently, the Interceptor update introduced a new ship to collect, a host of gameplay features, and began to peel back the first layers of a mystery centred around worlds corrupted by vivid purple crystals, abandoned “harmonic” encampments, and secrets whispered by disembodied robot heads…

Singularity Expedition

Today, we continue that story as we begin community expedition ten: Singularity.


Current Games

Behind The Dice

Podcast coming soon from both games and interviews with the characters, this will be a deep dive into each character.